Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
I have decided to give you a summer break from my“Pastor’s Corner” – I have been doing this for a goodnumber of summers now.
It’s summer time...
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
About two years ago we were in the midst of a Federal Election and I prepared some Pastor’s Corners that dealt with the issue of how Catholic’s should...
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,This weekend we welcome our new Associate Pastor,Fr. Feliciano. I am sure that he will soon come to knowthat this parish community is alive in its love for the Lord.We indeed know...
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Jesus is our Good Shepherd – where He leads we are called to follow. Tofollow as opposed to leading, is not something that the world promotes. We areconstantly bombarded through the various forms of...
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Our faith has been passed on to us from generation to generation.The stories of Jesus Christ have arrived at our doorstep after 2000years of our brothers and sisters experiencing the “ResurrectedPresence&rdquo...
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Our faith has been passed on to us from generation to generation.The stories of Jesus Christ have arrived at our doorstep after 2000years of our brothers and sisters experiencing the “ResurrectedPresence&rdquo...
Dear brothers and sisters Christ,
“Christ is Risen!”
On this Second Sunday of Easter, the Church invites us to celebrate the Feastof the Divine Mercy. This Feast reminds us that we are surrounded andimmersed in the Divine Mercy...